
Testing antimicrobial compounds from natural products

The emphasis on this practical is not to introduce or teach students specific lab techniques, rather to have them think about experimental design, and for them to plan their studies themselves. They are guided through this design process and encouraged to consider multiple factors including the number of variables being tested and suitable positive and negative controls in addition to biological and technical replicates. This practical is currently taught to our second-year undergraduateĀ students. However a variation of this has been performed in my research laboratory with a high school placement student, as the methodologies used are simple and easy to master.

This project runs over six sessions.

Designed / developed by Emma Thomson (contact e.thomson@sheffield.ac.uk), Antonio Ariza, Dan Bose, Dave Hornby, and Melanie Stapleton


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Cat burglars, yeast races, and other hypothesis-driven bioscience practicals Copyright © 2024 by The authors and the University of Sheffield is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.