
Technical information

Janet Cronshaw; Elizabeth Alvey; Catherine Heath; Qaiser Sheikh; Melanie Stapleton; and Ilona Willson

Day 1

Linearised pBH763 40 μl

(containing 2 μg plasmid

digested with NotI)

On ice

See below for details

3 μg pBH750 15 μl at 0.2 μg/μl On ice

See below for details

K699 yeast

(grown overnight in YAPD + amp, at 30°C/200 rpm until OD600nm is- 0.4-2.0)

10 ml On ice

See below for details

in yellow universals that can be centrifuged

0.1 M lithium acetate 5 ml
1.0 M lithium acetate 200 μl
50 % (w/v) PEG 1 ml
salmon sperm DNA (10 mg/ml)

(0.25 μm-filtered)

100 μl On ice
YAPD 5 ml See below for details
Sterile distilled water Put a fresh bottle in drawers
Sterile plastic universals 3
Elastic band 1
-leu plates + adenine (80 mg/L) + amp 3 See below for details
Alcohol bath & spreader 1 Use IMS, not ethanol
Vector handout 1 per person
Virkon pots 1 between 2 stations
Hot blocks at 30°C and 42°C
Shaking water baths at 30°C
Bay trays for students’ plates. Incubate at 30°C for 2-4 days then transfer to cold room

YAPD = YPD + adenine (80 mg/L). Adenine can be added to the media before autoclaving

-leu + adenine + amp plates (0.5 L):

  • Yeast synthetic drop-out medium
  • Supplement w/o leucine (BIO 101 CSM-leu) 0.8 g
  • Yeast nitrogen base w/o amino acids 3.33 g
  • Glucose 10 g
  • Adenine 40 mg
  • Difco agar 10 g

Autoclave, cool and add amp before pouring.

Expected transformation results

Transformation 1 μg plasmid (pBH750) Repair template Expected leu+? Expected NrsR? Expected Met?
1 Yes Yes, linearised Yes Yes Yes
2 Yes No Yes No Yes
3 H2O only (-ve control) No No No




plasmid contains function result


CRISPR-Cas9 Cleave DNA
  1. Repair by NHEJ pathway, usually resulting in gene knock-out
  2. Repair by HDR pathway if repair template present
Guide RNA (gRNA) for MET15 locus Methionine synthesis (MET15) Guides CRISPR-Cas9 to the MET15 locus and causes DNA cleavage at this site
LEU2 Leucine synthesis Allows selection of transformants


500 bp upstr + downstr met15 HR region Homologous repair template for met15 gene Directs repair template and therefore natMX6  to met15 gene where the DNA cleavage occurred
natMX6 gene

in the middle of the above met15 HR region to give met15-NatMX6-met15 cassette

Nourseothricin (NatMx) resistance Nourseothricin (NatMx) resistance
NotI sites either side of met15-NatMX6-met15 cassette To release a linearised repair template Cells can be transformed with much higher efficiency using linearised (rather than circular) DNA

Day 2

YAPD + amp plates 4 See below for details

+ nourseothricin (50 μg/ml)

+ amp plates

2 See below for details
-met + adenine (80 mg/L) + amp plates 2 See below for details
Numbered grids 2 They use these just for the grid pattern rather than the numbers
sgRNA design activity handout one per person
Control plates of K699 and K699 NatMx+ one plate of each between two pairs
Students’ CRISPR plates from the previous session
Rescue transformation plates on spares trolley Grown on fake -leu + adenine + amp plates (see below)
Bay boxes for YAPD and -met plates; incubate at 30°C overnight and then store at 4°C until the next session
No need for sterile Eppendorfs – they use too many and there’s amp in the plates anyway

YAPD plates = YPD agar + adenine (80 mg/L). Adenine can be added to media before autoclaving

Autoclave, cool to 50°C and add nourseothricin (50 μg /ml) and/or amp before pouring

-met + adenine + amp plates (0.5 L):

  • Yeast synthetic drop-out medium supplement w/o methionine (BIO 101 CSM-leu): 0.8 g
  • Yeast nitrogen base w/o amino acids: 3.33 g
  • Glucose: 10 g
  • Adenine: 40 mg
  • Difco agar: 10 g

Autoclave, cool and add amp before pouring.

Fake -leu + adenine + amp plates (for transformation rescue plates)

(i.e. as per recipe for -leu plates in CRISPR #1 but with drop-out without methionine and without leucine, so not actually selective) (0.5 L):

  • Yeast synthetic drop-out medium supplement w/o methionine: 0.4 g
  • Yeast synthetic drop-out medium supplement w/o leucine: 0.4 g
  • Yeast nitrogen base w/o amino acids: 3.33 g
  • Glucose: 10 g
  • Adenine: 40 mg
  • Difco agar: 10 g

Notes on checking growth of S. cerevisiae K699

Need for adenine

K699 is apparently an auxotroph for adenine. Check how presence of 40 mg/L adenine affects growth on complex media (YPD). NB adenine-HCl added before autoclaving, as I had trouble making up a stock solution of adenine-HCl (would not dissolve in water, even at half the concentration of Sigma’s stated solubility).

  • Grew K699 O/N at 30°C/shaking in 5 ml YPD or YAPD, from a glycerol stock or a plate inoculation (both cultures grew).
  • Then streaked all four cultures onto YPD + amp plates or YAPD + amp plates
  • Incubated at 30°C for 2d

Streak plates - K699 growth on YPD or YAPD

Appears that K699 can grow on YPD without adenine, but that the addition of adenine (RH plates) results in bigger colonies.  So continue to add approx. 40 mg/L adenine-HCl to YPD media for growth of this strain.

Update: after a few days storage in fridge, cultures grown on YPD plates were distinctly red

OD for transformations

Protocol states that K699 should be at OD600 nm ~0.4-2.0.  Test OD of overnight culture vs A16 (which also has to be in log phase for mol gen transformations in autumn).

A16 is grown as follows in autumn: 200 μl inoculum into 350 ml YPD in 2 L flask, grown at 30°C overnight at 200 rpm.

Scale down to 44 ml in 250 ml flask with 25 μl inoculum, grown at 30°C overnight at 200 rpm.  Grow A16 in YPD and K699 in YAPD

OD600nm after 16 h:

A16 = 1.17

K699 = 1.06

So K699 grows to a similar OD600nm as A16, suggesting it should be OK (assuming Hansenula and Saccharomyces behave similarly in transformations). Make a note to take the flask out on the morning of the class and put on ice to avoid any further growth.

Nourseothricin concentration

Protocols state to use 50-100 μg/ml nourseothricin.  Check growth of K699 (bottom row) vs a control NatMx+ strain (top row) on these concentrations:

growth of K699 and a control on 0, 50 and 100 ug/ml nourseothricin

0                                  50                                  100 ug/ml

50 μg/ml is sufficient, 100 μg/ml is not detrimental to growth

Access to plasmids

Please contact Mel Stapleton (m.stapleton@sheffield.ac.uk) to make arrangements.


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