Technical information
Lisa Smith and Jurriaan Ton
Assuming 20 groups, you need:
- Plants: At least 40 pots of Col-0 (2 pots per group), 40 pots of p35S:GUS (2 pots per group), 80 pots of pPR1:GUS (4 pots per group). Pots each contain 4-5 seedlings which are well-spaced and 2-3 weeks old. We usually sow about 100% extra seed per pot and about 50% extra pots to allow for any germination issues and thin plants at ~1-1.5 weeks. Seeds can be ordered from NASC (Europe) or ABRC (Rest of world).
- Plant labels in multiple colours
- Scissors for separating plant pots (if needed)
- Autoclave bags and tape
Per tray (for four students):
- 4x schedules
- 1 thin and 1 thick permanent marker
- P1000, P200, P20 pipette
- 1 box each of 1000ul and 200 ul tips
- water for checking pipettes
- small weigh boats
- plant labels
- GUS waste pot
- used plant labels pot
- forceps
- 2x hand lens
- stop watch
- A4 acetate sheet cut in half
- sheet of white paper
- Eppendorf rack
Per lab (each session) placed at end of bench:
- Salicylic acid vs Aspirin:
- 10 sprayers with water
- 10 sprayers with 5 mM salicylic acid
- 10 sprayers with 5 mM aspirin
- Plectosphaerella cucumerina:
- 1.5ml tube containing 0.5ml 5mM salicylic acid in 10mM MgSO4
- 1.5ml tube containing 0.5ml 10mM MgSO4
- 1.5ml tube containing 0.5ml plecto inoculum
- Virkon spray
- Effect of abiotic stress:
- 4x trays to hold root drench
- 4x 50 ml measuring cylinders
- 3x 1 L bottles of water
- 3x 1 L bottles of 0.3 M NaCl
- General:
- Gloves
- 8x 1.5 ml aliquots of GUS staining solution in 2 ml tubes per group (make up fresh the day before)
- desiccator with pump and stop watch
- 37oC constant temp room
- 70% ethanol
- GUS waste beaker