Technical information
Emma Jones; Michelle Durrant; and Sarah Noble-Longster
Prep notes
Day 2:
Digsol | 300 μl
(need 250 μl) |
At room temp |
Proteinase K | 25 μl
(need 20 μl) |
On ice
(but do not freeze at any stage) Bought as a suspension from Qiagen (19131 or 19133); concentration not stated |
1M DTT | 10 μl
(need 5 μl) |
On ice |
4M ammonium acetate | 400 μl
(need 300 μl) |
At room temp |
100% ethanol | 1 x glass universal
(need 2 ml) |
At room temp |
Liquid waste beaker | 1 | |
10 mM Tris pH 8 | 30 μl
(need 25 μl) |
Kit elution buffer (e.g. NE, EB) spiked with 0.2 ng/μl pUC18-mtcat
On ice |
Primer: JHmtF3 (100 μM ) | 3 μl
(need 1 μl) |
On ice |
Primer: JHmtR3 (100 μM ) | 3 μl
(need 1 μl) |
On ice |
Q5 Hot-Start polymerase master mix | 15 μl
(need 10 μl) |
On ice |
PER BAY | ||
0.5 ml eppendorfs | 1 box per bay
(need 1 tube per pair) |
Cat hair in a universal | 1 per bay
(need 3 strands per pair) |
Tweezers (next to cat hair) | 1 per bay | |
Hotblocks at 55 oC | ||
OTHER | ||
Sponges on ice per bay by the sinks, to collect their PCR reactions (1 tube per pair) | Run their samples in the PCR machine after each session
(use programme ‘L2 Genetics: cat hair’ – see below for details). Freeze when complete |
Per 100 ml: 4 ml 0.5 M EDTA pH 8 (–> 20 mM)
0.685 g NaCl (–> 120 mM )
5 ml 1 M Tris-HCl pH 8 (–> 50 mM)
81 ml dH2O
5 ml 20% SDS (–> 1%)
pH to 8 with NaOH
0.22 μm-filter into a sterile receptacle, then store at room temperature
PCR programme
1 x 94 oC / 5 min
30 x 94 oC / 30 s
54 oC / 30 s
72 oC / 40 s
1 x 72 oC / 10 min
Day 3:
(NEB: R0503S – called EcoO109I but need labelling as DraII) Supply undiluted |
1 μl
(need 1 μl) |
On ice |
(NEB: R0531S) Diluted 1 in 5 in Diluent C (B8003S) |
1 μl
(need 1 μl) |
On ice |
(NEB: R0529S) Diluted 1 in 5 in Diluent B (B8002S) |
1 μl
(need 1 μl) |
On ice |
NEB CutSmart buffer | 5 μl
(need 3 μl) |
On ice |
See below for expected PCR/digest results | ||
PER BAY | ||
Gel equipment for 2 gels per bay | 2 x 250 ml conical flasks (with 25 ml flasks in the top)2 x 100 ml cylinder2 x gel trays2 x 20-well combs1 x 2 L beaker for collecting TAE |
Students get gel tanks and
lane sheets out themselves |
Midori Green | Tube per bay | Put out with sign telling them not to throw away the tube |
100bp-Plus GeneRuler | Tube per bay | Put out with sign telling them not to throw away the tube |
Hotblocks at 37 oC | ||
Waterbaths at 52 oC | ||
OTHER | ||
1 x tank of 1X TAE available in lab | ||
Return their PCR samples from the previous session | On ice | |