Poetic preface

A call to action[1]

Global corporations emitting profligate Carbon, like some empowered Brat
Growing, at a ridiculously alarming Rate
Spectators watching from the side-lines, as this turns to Heat
An increasingly heavy Heart
A young mother watching the latest glacier fracture, can barely take a Breath
Myriad catastrophes now, we can no longer Bear
Anger abounds, bordering on Hate
A feeling things could turn violent, in a Beat
CEOs jet to the Maldives while they can; sip Caipirinhas and Bathe
Politicians are blind to protestors’ chants; don’t want to Hear
Please talk. Like grownups. Before the fabric of Our space-time is pushed to Tear.

  1. This is an anagram poem. Each line ends in an anagram, of four letters or more, derived from the word BREATHE.


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Science and technology of low Carbon design Copyright © 2024 by Darren Robinson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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